Urban Ecology Wellness Center
An integrated community initiated program that combines wellness and urban ecology services to reconnect people to the healing power of nature
Create a one stop-shop for wide-ranging, nature-based wellness resources that
unlocks the health benefits of Keney Park and supports effective delivery of health and wellness services to North Hartford

Physical Health
Nature experiences can impact daily well being and promote greater longevity as it’s correlated with lower rates of mortality, high blood pressure, cognitive impairment, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and many more

Mental Health
Time in nature is associated as a tool to assist people with depression. After a 90 minute nature walk, individuals reported fewer repetitive thoughts focused on negative features of self and a decrease in neural activity in part of brain linked with sadness and self reflection

Environmental Health
Communities aware of the healing properties of nature show increased sustainable personal choices, ecological literacy, and active engagement in civic environmental protection
Source: NEEF Health and Wellness in Nature
We all deserve access to nature
We all descend from people of nature
Nature brings people together
We all share an inherent desire to get back to nature

- Amplify impact of existing organizations in the region through collaboration by uniting community based wellness and environmental programs
- Improve healthcare outcomes in one of the region’s highest risk communities
- Increase neighborhood engagement and accessibility of the health benefits of Keney Park
-George Washington Carver
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